l wish it was an action movie.
Maybe there'll be
some kissing action.
Shut up, you pervert.
That girl sleeps day and night.
Wake up and have some melon.
-Want some melon rinds?
No thanks, mother.
l adore you, l entreat you...
Are you all right? Don't cry sonny.
Get down you little devils!
Are they up on the roof again?
Movies make you forget everything.
Didn't l tell you the kids
shouldn't climb trees at night?
-What happened, dad?
-A lot of crap, that's what!
All right. l'll have some now.
And didn't l say no one could
watch Latif's movies?
We don't go there.
We watch from here.
You may as well have gone on in!
Hey, little devils, have some melon.
Come in, Seyhmus.
l noticed you didn't get your melon
tonight, Mayor. This one's on me.
Thanks. They've already bought one.
Oh, really?
Keep this one for tomorrow, then.
Must have bought it from my boy.
Good night!
Where'd you get this?
Do we have to answer
for everything we do?
So you stole it, then?
ls the Mayor's family
a pack of thieves?
lf l stole it was for the child.
l'll be the laughing stock
of the town!
Those you look down on
are people of honor.
Go home! The film's over!
l'm leaving,
but only to return one day.