Turn it down a bit.
So, weeding, are you?
Yeah. Pulling up the bad plants
so the good ones can flourish.
Don't you have any
in your yard?
Right. Yours are in the house.
Some weeds are tough to pull up.
They have deep roots.
So, we pull them out, roots and all.
-l heard something, is it true?
-lf you heard it, it must be false.
l heard vizontele is coming.
Oh, that.
Aren't you happy about it?
No problem. Just checking.
Do you even know what it is?
Sure. l saw one once in lstanbul.
Nothing like the cinema, huh.
Don't get too close.
We don't want any
weeds in our garden.
Let's go, Veli. We'll have a crowd
for the Yýlmaz Güney movie tonight.
And keep an eye out for
the rooftop freeloaders.
Nothing like the cinema, huh?
lf he's so worried, this
vizontele must be a good thing.
Stop it. Your mother'll see us.
No, she won't.