
Why? Don't you eat meat?
We can't stay long Mayor. We're
returning to Ankara immediately.

Now, if those gentlemen
could just unload the device...

Gentlemen! The device...
At least come up and
have a drink before dinner.

Thank you sir,
but we'll be on our way.

There's no getting out of here
so quickly.

lt takes at least a year to get
the right contacts...

...for re-assignment to Ankara.
What do you mean by that?
Just kidding, nothing personal.
Not my idea of a joke.
l got a bit carried away.
Tekin, cut the yakking!
What yakking?
She's such a maniac.

She may tired, not a maniac.
Would she care for a drink?

Upper Ayrancý?
l know Ankara very well.
Are you from Upper Ayrancý?

So it is Lower Ayrancý?
That place with a park, then?
My name is Fikri.
Must be all the travelling l guess.
What were you talking to her for?
Me? She talked to me first.
Gave me her address in Ankara,
so l could visit her.

Let me just jot it down.
This is how you hook it up.

Put the transmitter up
on a high hilltop.

When you get a picture,
set it there. Good luck.

Hey, wait a minute. What? How?
Move over a bit lsmihal.
So l'll be sitting on the driver's lap?
You'd think she never
sat on a lap.

-What was that?
-Nothing. Just a joke.

Don't blow this way.
