-How will it do that?
-l don't know.
lt's something like a moviehouse.
-One in each home.
-May God protect us!
Mela Hüseyin said
movies were sinful.
He says that about everything.
Repent. You busy yourself with this
but have no time for your son.
l haven't been able
to talk to him even once.
He's in the army. So what?
We all served. l served four years.
Nafiz! Try to call him again.
The whole world right here.
Maybe Emin really is
just the guy for this.
-Mr. Veli, when is the fight film?
-Get lost.
Wh... wh... what is it?
They all call it ''vizontele''.
But it's really called ''television''.
Wh... what is it?
lt's the devil's work. We don't show
blasphemous movies at the cinema.
But this thing will be in everyone's
house. Who knows what it'll show?
Do your religious duty.
Warn the people.
Would you like some tea?
Come to the breakfast table,
you drunk!
l'm here dad. What's the fuss?
With the drinking and all,
it's become a rare honour...