Case 3012, Vincent Xzedden.
You are accused of having commited a premediated murder
on the 27. midsummer evening this year.
The high court acknowledged your appeal to self defence.
But as there is no witness
to confirm the deed as an act of self defence,
you are found guilty as accused.
Therefore you will be transfered to Vortex immediately,
where you will remain for the rest of your life.
The sentence takes effect immediately.
I will be back in a few days.
They will reconsider the case.
This trial cannot have been everything.
Just take care of yourself, you hear?
Think of all the great things we planned.
We cannot loose that, right?
I love you.
I love you!
My name is Ozwin.
I am your tour manager.
Would you please follow me, then we can begin immediately.
Our launch center.
Your travelling time amounts to a few seconds only.
You will find you arrive in no time at all.