Disgusting creatures.
But they save the government at lot of salaries.
Before we arrive, you gotta know a few things, so listen up!
You get four hundred currency units every month, so called ticks.
If you need more, you can get a job.
Your identification card.
You must carry it at all times.
If someone robs or executes you, he will need it for confirmation.
Which brings us to the most important issue.
Your quota.
Your quota is one per week.
One what?
One murder, of course.
Gotta be a joke!
He won't laugh about it.
Oh my god.
What's that?
When the counter reaches zero, you must have met your quota.
Don't forget to confirm the deed, it won't be acknowledged otherwise.
Thats madness!
For that you need the ID card of your victim.