If the rumours are correct, and you are really innocent,
then you are about to make a big mistake.
What's that?
What are you talking about?
Don't you understand this is exactly what they want up there?
They want us all to become guilty.
We are the bad conscience
which they lock away
so they can sleep better.
They need us
to feel confirmed in their righteousness.
Shoot me!
And they win!
That's bullshit!
You just want to talk your way out of this!
I want to help you!
So listen to me!
There is a way for us to get out of this situation,
and nobody will be harmed.
Sit down, now!
It's easy really.
I give you my identification card,
and you confirm it.
Hold it!
You meet your quota without becoming guilty.
What do you say?
Try it!
Shoot him!
Otherwise he will kill you!
Boon, help me!
Just pull the trigger, and the trouble is over.
I can't!
Yes you can, you already did it once.
You are guilty, Vincent! Guilty and convicted! So shoot him!
I can't!
Pull the trigger! Now!
I can't simply shoot defense...
Shoot, you bastard!
No, I am innocent! I am innocent!