I'll be back soon.
Hello Vincent! We already missed you!
I hope you forgive me, but you wasted your chance.
Shoot him! Otherwise he will kill you!
Just pull the trigger, and the trouble is over!
I want this to stop!
You did it already once...
This is the end of the road, there is no...
Otherwise he will kill you!
Either Carl, a butcherer and mass murderer...
What do you want from me?!
Just pull the trigger, and the trouble is over!
Is that it? Is that what you want?
You were right.
He did it!
Of course he did.
But how could you be sure?
I mean, the way he refused to do it, it could have been possible that he...
... was innocent?
Oh no!
In case you didn't notice, its a war out there!
I mean, think about it!