Let my own lack of a voice
be heard.
I keep thinking about
something you said.
- Something I said?
- Yeah.
About how you often feel like
you're observing your life...
from the perspective of an old woman
about to die.
- You remember that?
- Yeah. I still feel
that way sometimes.
Like I'm looking back
on my life.
Like my waking life
is her memories.
I heard that Tim Leary
said as he was dying...
that he was looking forward
to the moment...
when his body was dead,
but his brain was still alive.
They say that there's still 6
to 12 minutes of brain activity
after everything is shut down.
And a second of dream
consciousness, right,
well, that's infinitely longer
than a waking second.
- You know what I'm saying?
- Oh, yeah, definitely.
For example, I wake up
and it's 1 0:1 2,
and then I go back to sleep
and I have those long, intricate,