That old drunken fart
of a judge!
What a pompous ass!
Judge not lestye be judged!
All of you pukes are gonna die the day
I get out of this shithole!
I guarantee youll regret
the day you met me!
In a way, in our
contemporary world view,
It's easy to think that science
has come to take the place of God.
But some philosophical problems
remain as troubling as ever.
Take the problem
of free will.
This problem's been around
for a long time,
since before Aristotle
in 3 50 B.C.
St. Augustine,
St. Thomas Aquinas,
these guys all worried
about how we can be free...
if God already knows in advance
everything you're gonna do.
Nowadays we know that the world
operates according to some
fundamental physical laws,
and these laws govern the behavior
of every object in the world.
Now, these laws, because
they're so trustworthy,
they enable incredible
technological achievements.
But look at yourself.
We're just physical systems too.
We're just complex arrangements
of carbon molecules.
We're mostly water,
and our behavior isn't gonna be
an exception to basic physical laws.
So it starts to look like whether it's
God setting things up in advance...
and knowing everything
you're gonna do...
or whether it's these basic
physical laws governing everything.
There's not a lot of room
left for freedom.
So now you might be tempted
to just ignore the question,
ignore the mystery
of free will.
Say, "Oh, well, it's just an historical
anecdote. It's sophomoric.
It's a question with no answer.
Just forget about it."
But the question keeps staring you
right in the face.
You think about individuality,
for example, who you are.
Who you are is mostly a matter
of the free choices that you make.
Or take responsibility.
You can only be held responsible,
you can only be found guilty
or admired or respected...
for things you did
of your own free will.
The question keeps coming back, and we
don't really have a solution to it.
It starts to look like all your
decisions are really just a charade.
Think about how it happens.
There's some electrical activity
in your brain.