Your neurons fire. They send
a signal down into your nervous system.
It passes along down
into your muscle fibers.
They twitch. You might, say,
reach out your arm.
Looks like it's
a free action on your part,
but every one of those--
every part of that process...
is actually governed by
physical law:
chemical laws,
electrical laws and so on.
So now it just looks like the Big Bang
set up the initial conditions,
and the whole rest
of our history,
the whole rest of human history
and even before,
is really just sort of the playing out
of subatomic particles...
according to these basic
fundamental physical laws.
We think were special. We think we
have some kind of special dignity,
but that now
comes under threat.
I mean, that's really
challenged by this picture.
So you might be saying, "Well, wait a
minute. What about quantum mechanics?
"I know enough contemporary
physical theory to know
it's not really like that.
"It's really
a probabilistic theory.
There's room. It's loose.
It's not deterministic."
And that's gonna enable us
to understand free will.
But if you look at the details,
it's not really gonna help...
because what happens is you have
some very small quantum particles,
and their behavior is
apparently a bit random.
They swerve. Their behavior is absurd
in the sense that it's unpredictable...
and we can't understand it
based on anything that came before.
It just does something out of the blue,
according to a probabilistic framework.
But is that gonna help
with freedom?
Should our freedom just be
a matter of probabilities,
just some random swerving
in a chaotic system?
That just seems like it's worse.
I'd rather be a gear...
in a big deterministic,
physical machine...
than just some
random swerving.
So we can't just ignore
the problem.
We have to find room in our
contemporary world view for persons,
with all that that it entails;
not just bodies, but persons.
And that means trying
to solve the problem of freedom,
finding room for choice
and responsibility...
and trying to understand
You can't fight city hall,
death and taxes.
Don't talk about politics
or religion.
This is all the equivalent
of enemy propaganda
rolling across the picket line.
" Lay down, G.I.
Lay down, G.I."
We saw it all through
the 20th Century.
And now in the 21st Century,
it's time to stand up and realize...
that we should not allow ourselves
to be crammed into this rat maze.