because they have that kind
of literary, narrative thing
that youre sort of a slave to.
The best films are the ones
that aren't tied to that slavishly.
So, um--
So-- I don't know--
The whole narrative thing
seems to me like--
Obviously, there's narrativity
to cinema 'cause it's in time,
just the way there's
narrativity to music.
You don't first think of the story
of the song, then make the song.
It has to come
out of the moment.
That's what film has.
It's just that moment, which is holy.
You know, like this
moment, it's holy.
But we walk around
like it's not holy.
We walk around like there's
some holy moments and there
are all the other moments...
- that are not holy,
but this moment is holy.
- Right. Right.
And film
can let us see that.
We can frame it so that we see,
like, "Ah, this moment. Holy."
Like "holy, holy, holy"
moment by moment.
But who can live that way?
Who can go, "Wow, holy"?
Because if I were to look at you
and let you be holy--
I don't know. I would,
like, stop talking.
Well, you'd be in the moment.
The moment is holy, right?
Yeah, but I'd be open.
I'd look in your eyes
and I'd cry...
and I'd feel all this stuff
and that's not polite.
It would make you
You could laugh too.
Why would you cry?
Well, 'cause--
I don't know.
For me,
I just tend to cry.
Uh-huh. Well--
Well, let's do it right now.
Let's have a holy moment.
- Everything is layers, isn't it?
- Yeah.
There's the holy moment
and then there's the awareness...
of trying to have
the holy moment...
in the same way that the film
is the actual moment really happening,
but then the character pretending
to be in a different reality.