Here"s to us.
You certainly have a way with him.
He"s just a kid.
I learned something.
A smile goes a lot further
than a kick in the butt.
That smile just cost me ten bucks.
- Oh, I don"t want your money.
- Ten bucks.
- No way.
- Take it.
All right. I"m gonna buy you
a cup of coffee or something.
Glass of wine.
- Maybe.
- When you get back.
I really appreciate
what you"re doing with Mike.
I think you two are gonna
get along just fiine.
So do I.
Hey, Sis!
Come back in one piece, all right?
I"ll try.
thanks for dinner, Adam.
You"re welcome.
Good night.
Good night, Kate.
- Good luck fiishin".
- Thanks. I"ll need it.