Threw me in the water
when I was three.
I know. Kate told me
she pulled you out.
Oh, yeah?
She tell you
how he beat me up?
Right after?
Couldn"t even wait till I was dry.
Whack! Whack! "Boy!" Whack!
I was a lot like you
when I was young.
Didn"t know who I was,
what I wanted to do...
but you gotta pick yourself up.
It ain"t about how bad things get.
It"s what you learn.
You gotta stand
on your own two feet, for God"s sakes.
Seems like people
are just steppin" on mine.
It"s the weak that get stepped on.
Only the strong survive.
Find a place where you can stand
and get control.
You got control,
they can"t touch you.
Yeah, fuck"em.
It ain"t about fuckin".
It"s about you.
How strong you can be.
Get up here.
I know you"re afraid.
Don"t be.
You know, someone once said...
"You have nothing to fear
but fear itself."
And fear breeds failure.
Come on.
That"s it.
You gotta conquer your fear.
Mike the conqueror.
Go on and look at that water.
Get angry with it.
You know, it"s anger
makes the world go round.
- I thought it was love.
- Ah, bullshit.
Come on, man!
I got you!
Don"t fiight me, Mike!