
Kate ain"t here...
and maybe you haven"t noticed,
but this place is a dead end.

Ain"t nothin" beyond here
but a whole lot of nothin".

Hell, you can see anybody comin"
for four or fiive miles.

Day or night,
you can see "em comin".

I don"t know about you, but that
makes me feel pretty secure.

I thought I was gonna go nuts
in this place.

And you were a pain in the ass.
Well, yeah, I"ll drink to that.
All right.
You know, Mike...
life"s about seein" it comin"...
thinkin" on your feet, not gettin"
ahead of yourself, you know.

Just fiindin" the perfect moment.
Perfect moments don"t exactly
come naturally to me.

I was standing on that stupid rock
and I nearly drowned.

Ah, well. That happens.
We don"t want to let your sister know
about that. We"ll keep that between us.

When she gettin" back, anyway?
Tomorrow, I think.
Yeah, right. Tomorrow.
You know, Mike...
she"s gonna wanna see
the good Mike--

you know the good Mike
hidin" inside you?

You up for that?
I"ll give it a shot.
Did you say "shot"?
I did.
You reach that little glass over here.
Well, here we go.
Down the hatch.
