- How was it?
- Pretty good.
- Better than usual.
- All right.
Guess I got lucky.
Lucky looks good on you.
So how"s my favorite brother?
Oh, Mike?
Well, he"s doin" okay.
I like him, you know.
What are those for?
Thought I might try my hand
at bird-watching...
but I don"t know
the fiirst thing about it.
Well, you fiind "em
and then you watch "em.
Yeah, yeah.
But you gotta know
where to fiind "em fiirst.
Don"t you?
Yeah. Wanna go?
Give me a couple hours.
I"ll swing by the lighthouse.
-Just got back.
- Yeah? How"d it go?
- Pretty good. Really good.
- Yeah?
Adam"s good luck charm
really helped out.
So, you keepin" busy?
Yeah, well, I guess.
I don"t know.
There"s not much to do around here,
except when Adam"s around.
He"s not around much?