- How old are you?
- 48.
- Are you married?
- No.
- Are your parents living?
- No.
How and when did they die?
My father, suddenly,
of a heart attack when I was 21.
My mother, slowly, when I was 41 or 42.
Of breast cancer.
- Cancer?
- Breast cancer.
- I see. Any siblings?
- No.
And now your past medical history.
- Have you ever been hospitalized?
- I had my tonsils out when I was eight.
- Have you ever been pregnant?
- No.
- Heart murmurs?
- No.
- High blood pressure?
- No.
- Venereal diseases, uterine infections...
- No.
- Thyroid, diabetes, cancer...
- No. Cancer, yes.
- When?
- Now.
- Not including now.
- In that case, no.
Clinical depression, nervous breakdown,
suicide attempts...
- Do you smoke?
- No.
- Ethanol.
- I beg your pardon?
- Ethanol. Yes, I drink wine.
- How much, how often?
A glass, with dinner, occasionally,
and perhaps a scotch every now and then.
- Do you use any substances?
- Such as?
Marijuana, cocaine, crack cocaine,
PCP, ecstasy, poppers...
- Do you drink caffeinated beverages?
- Yes.
- Which ones?
- Coffee, a few cups a day.
- How many?
- Two to six.
But I don't think that's immoderate.
How often do you have
routine medical checkups?
Not as often as I should probably,
but I've felt fine, I really have.
- So, the answer is?
- Every three to five years.
What do you do for exercise?
- Are you having sexual relations?
- Not at the moment.
- Are you pre or post-menopausal?
- Post.
- When did your periods stop?
- About two years ago.
When did you first notice
your present complaint?