"My minute's last point
"And gluttonous death
"Will instantly unjoint my body and soul"
John Donne...
I've always particularly liked that poem.
In the abstract.
Now I find the image of...
my minute's last point...
a little too, shall we say...
I don't mean to complain
but I am becoming very sick.
Very sick. Ultimately sick, as it were.
In everything I have done, I have been...
Some would say in the extreme.
Now, as you can see, I am...
distinguishing myself in illness.
I have survived eight treatments...
of Hexamethophosphacil and Vinplatin...
at the full dose, ladies and gentlemen.
I have broken the record.
I have become something of a celebrity.
Kelekian and Jason are simply delighted.
I think...
they see celebrity status for themselves...
upon the appearance
of the journal article...
they will no doubt write about me.