
Beat me up. Give me a bad beating.
I had gone crazy

No my baby, you're my best
Papa, we three have promised never
to make you unhappy, never to fight

It's all my fault children,
it's all my fault

Now I understand what a great friend
your mother was to you

The father is merely the provider
of money, comforts

But the mother...
like a friend, she shares
your woes, your sorrows

I tried
Yes, I tried,
but I failed...

to understand you,
your feelings

No Papa. Now that Ma is gone,
you are our friend

We'll do whatever you say
For me today, the only true East
where the sun rises, is my India

The departure of my dear friend Raj
for India, leaves London deserted

My friend, he's gone.
- Start worrying about your son
