What was that?
Talk to the groomspeople
clearly, openly
You know Isha, I can't take this
"Hahn-ji, Nan-ji" small-talk
What scant pluck I have is because
I have Ronit with me. Else...
What can Ronit do? He's a baby.
Elders talk to each other
Stop depending on him.
- But I...
TIMEOUT: 01:37:36:05
Not buts to yourself
TIMEOUT: 01:37:36:05
Not buts to yourself
Mr Raj, Ronit is to me
what my son Pankaj is
Ronit has told us everything
about Avantika. All I wanted...
was to meet you. Now we've met.
- Me too... what I wanted...
What I wanted, Ronit...
- What he wanted was to meet you...
and ask you... you know wedding matters
... if you have any conditions, demands
Exacty! Whatever it be, be sure
to ask. I'll fulfill everything
Decent parents, a good girl and
a simple wedding... my 3 conditions
Nothing more.
- Yes, and have nothing to worry
At home with us, Avantika won't face
the slightest hardship
That's exacty what I meant
Well, have I been talking excessively?
- Not a question of excesses
All I've been trying to tell him
is to make a clean breast
One colour, you know.
Differing shades create problems