25th Hour

You betray our trust!
Fuck the priests
who put their hands

down some
innocent child's pants.

Fuck the church that protects
them, delivering us into evil.

And while you're at it,
fuck J.C.

He got off easy --
a day on the cross,
a weekend in hell,

and all the hallelujahs of the
legioned angels for eternity.

Try seven years
in fucking Otisville, J.

Fuck Osama bin Laden,
Al Qaeda,

and backward-ass cave-dwelling
fundamentalist assholes

On the names of
innocent thousands murdered,

I pray you spend the rest
of eternity with your 72 whores

roasting in a jet-fuel fire
in hell.

You towel-headed camel jockeys
can kiss my royal lrish ass.

"l notice how many
of what I once thought

"were evidences of repression,
sexual or otherwise..."

Fuck Jacob Elinsky.
Whining malcontent.
Fuck Francis Xavier Slaughtery,
my best friend,

judging me while he stares
at my girlfriend's ass.

Fuck Naturelle Riviera.
I gave her my trust,
and she stabbed me in the back.

Sold me up the river.
Fucking bitch.

Fuck my father
with his endless grief,

standing behind that bar,
sipping on club soda,

selling whiskey to firemen
and cheering the Bronx Bombers.

Let's go, Yankees!
Fuck this whole city
and everyone in it,

from the row houses of Astoria
to the penthouses
on Park Avenue,

from the projects in the Bronx
to the lofts in Soho,

from the tenements
in Alphabet City

to the brownstones
in Park Slope

to the split-levels
in Staten lsland,

Iet an earthquake crumble it,
let the fires rage,

Iet it burn to fucking ash,
and then let the waters rise

and submerge this whole
rat-infested place.

No. Fuck you,
Montgomery Brogan.

You had it all,
and you threw it away,
you dumb fuck!
