25th Hour

- Nice to see you.
- You too.

- Hi.
- How you doing, Jake?

- You look fantastic.
- There you go.

Thank you.
What are you boys up to?
Frank's just flirting
with the bartender.

Oh, yeah?
What's the verdict?

Guilty of looking good.
Oh, she's just tits, Francis.
Oh, yeah?
Did you see her ass?

The girl's got a fine ass.
She's oozing sex appeal.

Oh, she's oozing something.

See, that right there --
that is so typical.

That's what
I'm talking about, Jake.

Why is it that a woman walks
in the room with great tits,

every other woman in the joint
says that she's a slut?

I have great tits.
I'm not a slut.

Says you.
Another thing --

When I call a girl and I say,
"Hey, we're gonna meet

for a dinner
at this particular place,"

why can't I get off the phone
for a half an hour?

That's a sickness.
You guys have a sickness.

And tell me this.
Please explain this to me.

Why is it that women feel
the need to cry

after having great sex?
- Hmm?
- Oh.

Yeah. Why is that?
What is up with that,
all right?

Oh, my God.
- What?
- Are you serious?

Well, it's a joy thing,
it's not --

Oh, please.
You're just a sad fuck,

Looks like you've been,
uh, demoted

from the 99th percentile
right there.

Yeah. Thanks, Jake.
You should've been here

You missed a great story
about Jake's imaginary friend.

So, where's your man?
Not like he's ever on time.
Better be tomorrow.
How's his dad doing?
He looks like he's aged 20 years
in the past couple months.

That's too bad.
Come on. Come on.
We got to keep this upbeat,
make sure he has
a good night tonight.

All right.
Why don't you give us
some more sex tips?

That'll cheer things up.
- Touché.

Where's the
little girls' room?

Thank you.
I know she cries
after having sex with him.
