25th Hour

I am better when our friend
comes back to us, no?

Jason, yes?
My shampanskoe, you like?
It's okay.
Monty, I have beautiful woman,
very nice.

Yeah, well, I'm not really
in the mood for that.

I've got a nice girl.
I know, I know.
Tonight is special night.

Last night as free man.
I pick her out special
just for you.

The last girl you picked out
special for me had three teeth,

all in the back.
Funny you should say that.
Why? Why is it funny
I should say that?

What you say, it was funny.
Kostya, you can't --
when you --

It's an expression.
If you say that --

It's a, uh, euphemism, right?
Can you explain this?
You're the English teacher.

I think what he means, Kostya,
is that when you say,

"Funny you should say that,"
that means that it reminds you
of a funny story.

No, no.
It was funny what you say --
"Funny you should say that."
It still makes
no fucking sense.

This is what I deal with.
I'm with you.
- See? Perfectly clear.
- Come.

- You see her.
- I don't think so.

Naturelle, she's dancing
right out here.

We go quick.
You must see this bitch.

Why don't you just find some
nice girls for my friends here?

- Frank?
- Nah, I'm good, good.

I'm fine.
Let's just go down.
- Come with me.
- I'm good.

No, no, no. Forget that.
I gotta talk to you for, like,
five minutes.

All right.
You want me to stay here?
Yeah, someone's gotta
look out for Naturelle

and, you know, your --
your field trip.

Should I tell Nat that you're
having sex with prostitutes?

No, don't say this.
Tell her whatever you want.
Just don't go away, all right?

Hang out a minute.
We'll go Uptown and get Doyle.

So, what time
you wanna hook up?

I get off at 4:00.
Are we going
in the private room?

Of course, the private room.
I'm sorry, Monty.
I gotta talk to Frank
for five minutes.

I'll meet you down there.
After girl, Uncle Nikolai
wants talk with you.
