8 Mile

#Don't make me have
to call your name out
Your crew's featherweight #

#My gunshots will
make you levitate #

#l'm only 19
but my mind is old #

# When the things get for real
my warm heart turns cold #

#Another n--a deceased
Another story gets told #

#lt ain't nothin'really
Hey,yo, son spark that Phillie #

#So I can get my mind off
these yellowbacked n--s #

# Why they still alive
I don't know, go figure #

Palauk minutëlæ!
#l couldn't choose
a better location #

# When the slugs penetrate
you feel a burning sensation #

# Getting closer to God
in a tight situation #

#Now, take these words home
and think it through #

# Or the next rhyme I write
might be about you #

#Son they shook
'cause ain't no such things
as halfway crooks #

Kokio bybio?!
Palauk suknistà minutæ!

# 'Cause there ain't no thing
as halfway crooks #

#Scared to death
And scared to look #

#Livin'the life
that of diamonds and guns #

# There's numerous ways you
can choose to earn funds #

#Some get shot, locked down
and turn nuns #

# Cowardly hearts end
straight up shook ones #
#Shook ones ##

Ei! Kas èia vyksta?
Ei! Kokio velnio, bièas!
Baik þaisti su
savo suknistu daiktu!

Atidaryk duris!
Kokio velnio, bièas!
Kas per velnias esi tu, nigeri?

Kur po velniø tu
manai einàs?

Einu á uþkulisius.
Að esu mûðyje.
Tau negalima á uþkulisius.

Nebûk stabdys,dawg.
Að turiu ðtampà ant rankos.
Tau reikia eit pro pagrindines duris.

Tu katik mane matei, dawg!
Að tik einu ið--
Að nieko nemaèiau

Bièas, tu katik f...n' matei mane!
Að tik buvau tulike.
Oba! Kas dedasi?

Ðitas bièas turi suknistø
problemø su manim!
Uþsikiðk blemba!

Jis savas, dawg.
Jis savas.

Jis su tavim?

Gerai, ledas, Future.
Bet man atrodo tavo berniukas
turi bendravimo problemø.

Tu pamiðæs moèkruðys
tu viskà þinai, bet bandai
malt ðûdà ir priekabiaut.

Suknistas bièas akivaizdþiai
turi kaþkà prieð mane.

Að nueinu á tulikà,,
gráðtu, jis vaizduoja,
kad manæs neatpaþino.

Palauk, þmogau.
Velnias tu save
visà apvëmei, kà?
