Hi, Katie Burke.
There is a message for you.
Your thesis advisor,
Professor Jergensen's office
they said l should find you,
so l did.
Here's the message.
lt says for you to come
to Jergensen's house.
That's scary.
How's your thesis coming,
lt's almost done. How's yours?
Turned it in.
Ms. Burke, l'd like
to have you meet Wade Handler.
He's a police officer.
Mr. Handler has a line
of inquiries...
That's ''Detective,'' Professor.
''Doctor,'' Detective.
Detective Handler has a line
of inquiry
that he's forcing
upon the college.
Oh, no, we don't use force--
not in the People's Republic--
we ask politely
because the college is good
for the tax base
which is good
for the community
which is good for everybody.
So, um, Katherine Burke...
Katie... l'm investigating
a young man
who was a student here,
Embry Larkin.
Something happen to him?
Well, that's
what l'm trying to find out.
What was your relationship?
He was my boyfriend.
Detective, this college is
very proactive
about the privacy
of its students.
Oh, l understand, Doctor.
l'll be gentle.
So... he was your boyfriend?