Do you think it's possible
this kid, Embry
might have killed himself?
Nobody with Embry's self-regard
would kill himself.
Nobody. He would have himself
bronzed first.
ln fact...
if you see a statue
of him somewhere
check and see
if there's a person inside.
He hurt you that badly, huh?
lt's none of your business.
Well, actually, it's my job,
so it is my business.
You know, l'd love
to just pal around
and talk about the past--
really, l would--
but l'm actually trying
to move on with my life
right now.
l'll see you around.
We need to be quiet...
in the library!
Ah, 10:30 on a Friday night.
l wonder where Katie is?
l thought you were entertaining
the lacrosse team.
l was being entertained
by the lacrosse team.
The global wireless revolution
will be safe until tomorrow.
And the day after.
We're leaving.
Want a blender drink?
No, blender drinks suck.
Oh, look, it's a Siberian bear.
Who paid for all this?
Who paid for all of this?
His dad was just appointed
Governor of Uttar Pradesh.
Evening, Mr. Bond.
To Russia.