Whoa. ls this a bad time, or...?
No. l'm sorry.
l thought you were
somebody else.
That's good for me,
not for them.
So, we're having a little event
at an NBA game
kind of a meet-and-greet.
lt's fun, you know
if you're into pretending
you're not under a microscope.
Do you like basketball, or...?
l don't know.
Oh. Uh...
Sure. l'll come.
l... Thank you.
lt's exciting.
That's... for you.
See you.
lnability or helplessness
can have serious
psychological ramifications.
Powerless people become
either hostile or passive.
Neither is desirable.
We need to feel
that we are heard
and that justice
has been attempted
when we feel we are
unfairly treated.
Negotiation for resolution
of disputes
when your actions
prevent another
from achieving their goal...
is apparently a conflict
of interest...
lf we were to define goals...
La-la la-la-la
Where is this?
lt's not a theater.
Embry was interested
in non-traditional space.
This is under the theater.
My final production--
MiddIebrow For Lowbrows--
''but look
''we're under the stage,
like hell, itself.
lsn't that brilliant?''
lt's derivative.
You people are derivative.
You haven't produced
a real artist in over a decade