or did he pull his chair
close to you?
Close to me.
Did he... lean over like this?
Did he look into your eyes
like this?
You're going to do him.
Come on, how long has it been,
sophomore year?
What if it's rusty... or broken?
l still feel like
l'm betraying him.
Embry? Please.
What if Embry comes back?
He'd... wreck your life
just like before.
Listen, l want
to tell you something.
Um, l believe your friend,
Embry, is dead.
He had two airline tickets
for Athens, Greece.
Never used.
No credit activity.
He didn't... he didn't believe
in credit.
No cash withdrawals.
Was that other ticket for you?
Were you going to Athens?
Originally, but we were
both having second thoughts.
Well, l saw the beginning
of that show--
his speech to the audience.
Look, that was
just Embry being Embry.
He was going for shock value.
He was leaving;
l was a sophomore.
l mean, l thought
that he would call from Europe
and maybe l would meet up
with him in the summer.
l never heard from him.
You have unusually kind eyes.
See you around, Detective.
l'm Wade Handler.
l'm a cop.
You don't have to share
if you don't want to.
l don't even know what to say.