I hope you're sitting down
because I'm afraid l
got some bad news
Since I last wrote to you
"my wife, Helen
your host mother"
passed away very suddenly from
a blood clod in her brain
The services were lovely and
very well attended
Ginny came in from Denver
with her friend
folks drove up from as far
away as from Demon Wichita
a very moving tribute any
way you look at it
I wish you could
have been there
but now all the
excitement is over
and the smoke is clear
just me and my thoughts
knocking around
I believe I mentioned
in my previous letter
that I was an actuary
in one of the
world insurance company
" If I were given a man's age
race, profession"
place of residence
marital status and
medical history
I can calculate
with great probability
how long that man
will live
In my own case
now that my wife has died
there is 73% chance
I will die in 9 years
provided that
I do not remarry
all I know is
I got to make best of
whatever time I have left