now I am outside
" Dad, what are you
talking about? "
"Ginny, I 've been thinking
about things"
how much you mean to me
the times we've been
together in last few years
all of a sudden I realize
what am I doing in Omaha
when you are out there
we should be together
You are coming now?
If I drive straight through
I 'll be in time for supper
I don't think so
this is not a good idea
Sure it is
Don't tell me you couldn't
use help with wedding arrangements
The thing is with Jill
we got everything under control
Let's stick to plan
you get here a day
before wedding
Iike we said
I assume you won't
object me
sending any more of
those checks
" Dad, I do not
have time for this"
"you call me when you
get home, okay? "
"Bye, Ginny
Bye, Dad"
Dear Nçdugu
How are you?
I am fine
A week ago I decided to
take my way to Ginny's