Get out
I am sorry
Have you met Larry
last time?
Just briefly
he's like a little boy
since our divorce
I understand it
I feel sorry for him
My first husband
was exactly same way
he turned out to
be real asso
Randall knows how
to treat a lady
Don't you think
he's someone special
I know Ginny seems to
be very taken with him
That always help
doesn't it
When I had my hysterectomy
that boy did not leave
my side for one minute
People used to
raise their eyebrows
because I breast feed him
till he was almost 5
I 'd say you just
look at the result
I had raised a sensitive
and devoted boy
to turn into a sensitive
devoted man
He's also quite easy
on the eye
I do say so myself
Don't you agree
Look who's here