Did you fall out of bed?
Let me help you
No no
I'm better on
hard surface
I don't know
It seems weird for
this to be happening today
"Sorry, Ginny"
just need couple of
We've been stressed out here
the last few weeks
while you were out on
your trip
We were barely holding
this together
for you to crap out on us
It's the bed
No way
That's top 1 000
It's definitely not the bed
I 'm going to need
something firmer
"Alright, let's deal
with this"
" Dad, where is that
receipt I gave you? "
"Yeah, for the program
you were going to pick up"
It's over there
On chair
Now Randall you have
to pick up
I don't think so
I can't do everything
I can not
Get off me
"I'll do it
Thanks for everything, Dad"