Anybody hungry?
I can eat a horse
How about chicken
noodle soup?
Anything for me in
Ginny told us about your
panic attack
I don't blame you
It's a natural reaction
I have my own reservations
as veteran of 2
failed marriages
I have learned a lot
about what works and
what doesn't between 2 people
I can tell you these
kids are in good shape
They have a very
healthy relationship
"spiritually, emotionally
and physically"
You already know how
they get along as friends
Did you know their
sex life is hot
The main reason both my
marriage failed was sexual
I am extremely sexual person
Even as little girl
I had orgasm in ballet class
I 've been easily aroused
Ginny and I have
a lot in common that way
Clifford and Larry
are nice guys
I don't want to betray
Ginny's confidence
Let me assure you
whatever problems those
kids may run into