Isn't this fun?
Well...sort of gives the
We're gonna have a lot of
good times in here, Warren.
Here's to our whole chapter.
...And we need people
who want to help.
- there is a wonderful organization
called Child Reach, -
- that is making
a profound difference -
- in the lifes of children
just like these.
For just $22/month,
just 72 cents/day, -
- you can become
a Child Reach sponsor -
- and not only personally
touch the life -
- of a needy
boy or girl overseas.
But also help the
child's family and community.
Think of it,
just $22/month, -
- and a little girl
like this, -
- will never feel the agony
of dysentery from dirty water.
A child like this
will be able to go to school, -
- to learn and grow.
I'm so glad
you've watched, -
- but now that you've have.
What are you going to do?
Pity and guild won't help.
The answer
is Child Reach.
For a needy child, family
and community overseas.