Why did you get
such a cheap casket?
I could tell you got
the cheapest casket.
Everybody could.
That is not true.
That is not true!
I specifically did not choose as you say,
the cheapest casket.
There was one less expensive,
which they showed me and I refused it.
You mean a pinebox?
I don't remember
what it was.
She waited
on your hand and foot.
Couldn't you have splurged
on her just once?
- Hey, hey, hey!
- Once?
What are you
talking about?
What about the windowed bagel out there ?
What do you call that ?
That is an expensive vehicle.
I didn't want to get it,
but I did.
That was completely
your mother's idea.
She told me, she had
to pay for like half of it !
She said she had to sell some of her
stock or something to pay for it.
That was her decision !
I was willing to go as far as the mini weny
but no, she had to have the Adventurer.
She wanted the whole shebang
What was I supposed to do ?
Tell her she couldn't ?
It was her money.
No, no, no. You can't call me
to task on that one.
ln here, Randall.
- Where?
- In here, in here
Oh there you are.
13 minutes wrong.
You better get packed.
Hey Randall did you tell
dad about that book?
That's right, I forgot.
Heu say Warren, have you read -
- When Bad Things
Happen to Good People?
It's really amazing, it reallly
help me out when my aunt die.
You should read it.
When we and jeannie get back to Denver,
I'll send you my copy.
The workbook too,
I did most of the exercises, -
- but you can write
yours answers next to mine.