I'm sorry, Ginny.
I'm sure I just need a couple of hours,
the Advil is kicking me pretty good.
You know it's just a... we've been really
stressed out here the last two weeks
While you were... you know, out on
your little trip.
We've been kind of just barely holding
this thing together.
And so now for you to just
crap out on us.
I think it's the bed.
No way.
That's an 'aquabed' Z 9000
It's top of the line.
- It's definitely not the bed.
- I don't know.
I think I need
something firmer.
Alright, fine, let's just deal
with this, ok ?
Dad, where is that
receipt that I gave you ?
Receipt ?
Yeah, for the programs at the printers
you were going to pick up.
- It's over there.
- Where ?
- On the chair, in my jacket...
- Fine, allright... -
- Well I guess now Randall you're
gonna have to pick'em up.
What do you mean ?
I don't think so, -
- I got to go get Bryan and dave
at the airport...
I can't do everything,
I cannot do everything !
I know.
Get off me !
I'll do it...
Thanks for everything, Dad.
- Ginny ?
- Fuck you !
Anybody hungry ?
I could eat a horse.
How about some chicken
noodle soup ?
Anything for me in
bedpan ?