Jon Bon Jovi?
Jon Bon Jovi. Too easy.
And, if I may say so,
a complete load of bollocks.
In my opinion, all men are islands.
And what's more, now's the time to be one.
This is an island age.
A hundred years ago,
you had to depend on other people.
No one had TV or CDs or DVDs or videos...
...or home espresso makers.
Actually, they didn't have anything cool.
Whereas now, you see...
...you can make yourself a little island paradise.
With the right supplies and the right attitude...
...you can be sun-drenched, tropical, a magnet...
...for young Swedish tourists.
Hi, it's Kristina.
I haven't heard from you.
I had a great time last weekend.
So give me a call, okay? 'Bye.
And I like to think that perhaps
I am that kind of island.
I like to think I'm pretty cool.
I like to think I'm Ibiza.
There were people who had
a good time in life.
I was beginning to realize I wasn't one of them.
I just didn't fit.
I didn't fit at my old school.
I definitely didn't fit at my new one.
I heard that some kids
got taught by their parents at home.
Mum couldn't do that,
unless I paid her to teach me.
Because it was just her and me.
And she went to work.
She made £400 a week.
Where was I gonna get that kind of money from?
Maybe if I was like that movie kid,
Haley Joel Osment...
...I could pay her that much.
But if that meant being good at drama, forget it.
I was crap at drama.
'Cause I hated standing up in front of people.
So, basically, I had to go to school.
The sad fact is that,
like any island dweller...