You know me.
I'll drop her at her christening.
I'll forget her birthdays until her 18th,
when I'll take her out and get her drunk...
...and possibly, let's face it,
you know, try and shag her.
I mean, seriously, it's a very, very bad choice.
We know, I just thought you had hidden depths.
No. No. You've always had that wrong.
I really am this shallow.
Here we are.
You know you don't have to walk me
to school anymore now, Mum.
I know the way now.
But what if I like walking you to school?
Who are you?
I'm me.
And what are you not?
A sheep.
Right. And what does a sheep go?
I love you.
I love you, too.
"I love you, Marcus!"
Love you!
Look at him!
While I couldn't accept the offer...
...to become their child's godfather...
...I did allow them to set me up with Angie,
a rather beautiful coworker of Christine's.
They had, however, being them,
neglected to tell me one thing.
There's something you don't know about me.
Something exciting?