I came to realize that with single mums...
...particularly ones who'd been badly treated...
...and eventually abandoned by the father
of their children, you became by comparison...
You are a wonderful person.
No, I'm not.
But it was hard
to be wonderful all the time.
Eventually I began to wonder whether
Angie was exactly what I was looking for.
For instance, she was late for the new IMAX
movie because the babysitter hadn't turned up.
I'm so sorry.
It's all right.
That pissed me off.
-You okay?
And there were deeper problems.
She couldn't stay at my place,
and she didn't have a DVD, or satellite or cable.
So we were always stuck watching some crap
made-for-TV movie about a kid with leukemia.
I'm afraid there's nothing
we can do.
God! No! Please, please, no!
I was going to have to end it.
But having been Will the Good Guy...
...I didn't relish going back to my role of Will
the Unreliable, Emotionally-stunted Asshole.
I'm sorry?
You're breaking up with me? You...
...self-centered bastard.
I can't believe I've wasted all this time with you!
You useless, superficial loser.
Then something magical happened.
I'm sorry.
I'm not sure this is working out. It's not you.
You've been great. It's me.
Well, my situation with Louie and his dad.
I'm not ready to launch into a relationship
with anybody new.
I'm so sorry.
I think I understand.
You're a wonderful man, Will.