You have to mean things to help people.
Like the time I volunteered
to help out at a soup kitchen...
...and very nearly made it.
Or the time at Amnesty International.
Did you know in Burma you get seven years
in prison for telling jokes?
Next time you laugh, think of Pa Pa Lay,
the Burmese standup comedian.
We're at a crucial stage
in our struggle for human rights...
...which have been grossly abused
by the ruling junta.
We need your support more than ever.
Together we can make a difference...
You're kidding.
And what's your boyfriend say about that?
Wait a minute.
You say you haven't got a boyfriend?
Talk about human rights violations.
Is that right? You're in the bath now?
You have to mean things to help people.
Fiona meant "Killing Me Softly".
"Killing Me Softly" meant something to her
and look where she ended up.
Me, I didn't mean anything, about anything,
to anyone.
I knew that guaranteed me
a long, depression-free life.
Yet over the next few days,
I did have a strange feeling.
Like a presence lurking at the back of my mind.
And I didn't like it.
You don't have a kid, do you?
You don't have a kid, do you?
Of course I do! What are you on about?