
Charlie, we're gonna fix you up.
We're gonna solve the whole Charlie
Kaufman mess for once and for all.

- Okay.
- Okay, let me see.

What do you need?
What, what, what?

Well, I'm glad you took
the orchid script.

I think it will be good for you
to get out of your head.

I think it'll ground you to think about the
bigger picture, about nature and stuff.

I still can't believe they gave me
that job.

I mean, after that lunch.
I was sweating insanely.

I was ranting. I was a mess.
You were just nervous
because she was pretty.

How do you know she was pretty?
After eight months of knowing you,
I think I get what makes you sweat.

Well, whatever.
Well, moving on, what next?

You need a new getup.
This whole flannel shirt thing...

:12:50's not really doing anything
for you anymore.

Thanks for coming out
with me tonight, Amelia.

To begin.
To begin.
How to start?
I'm hungry.
I should get coffee.
Coffee would help me think.
But I should write something first,
then reward myself with coffee.

Coffee and a muffin. Okay,
so I need to establish the themes.

Maybe banana-nut.
That's a good muffin.
Orchid hunting is a mortal occupation.
Victorian-era orchid hunter
William Arnold...

...drowned on a collecting expedition.
Osmers vanished without a trace
in Asia.
