I agree with Mom. Very taut.
Sybil meets, I don't know...
Dressed to Kill.
Cool. I really liked Dressed to Kill.
- Until the third act denouement.
- That's not how it's pronounced.
Sorry. L...
Okay, sorry.
- Some key lime pie for you today?
- Okay, yeah. That sounds great.
I'll cut you an extra-large slice.
Preferred customer.
- Thank you. That's really sweet of you.
- Well, I'm just a sweetie, ain't I?
- Still reading about orchids, I hope?
- Yes, I am.
This friend of mine
has this little, tiny pink one...
...that grows on a tree branch
just like that.
- I can't remember...
- That's called an epiphyte.
Right. Right!
Boy, you know your stuff.
No, not really. I'm just learning.
Epiphytes grow on trees,
but they're not parasites.
They get all their nourishment
from the air and the rain.
Well, I'm impressed. That's great.
There are more than 30,000 kinds
of orchids in the world.
- Wow, that's a lot, huh?
- Yeah. Yeah.
So I'll be right back with an extra-large
slice of key lime pie for my orchid expert.
But... So anyway,
I was also wondering...
I'm going up to Santa Barbara this
Saturday for an orchid show, and I...
- I'm sorry.
- Well...
- I apologize. I'm sorry.
- So I'll just be right back with your pie.
There are more than 30,000
known orchid species.
One looks like a turtle.
One looks like a monkey.
One looks like an onion.
One looks like a schoolteacher.
One looks like a gymnast.
One looks like that girl in high school
with creamy skin.
One looks like a New York