Not to give them anything at this
point would be a terrible career move.
Hey, my script's going amazing.
Right now, I'm working out
an image system.
Because of my multiple personality
theme, I've chosen a motif...
...of broken mirrors to show my
protagonist's fragmented self.
Bob says an image system increases
the complexity of an aesthetic emotion.
- Bob says...
- You sound like you're in a cult.
No, it's just good writing technique.
I made you a copy
of McKee's 10 Commandments.
I posted one over
both our work areas.
You shouldn't have done that.
Because it's extremely helpful.
Hey, Charles, I'm putting a song on.
"Happy Together."
Like when characters sing songs
in their pajamas and dance around.
I thought it'd break the tension.
At first I was nervous
about putting a song in a thriller...
...but Bob says that Casablanca, one of
the greatest screenplays ever written...
...did exactly that.
Mixed genres.
I haven't slept in a week, Donald.
- I need to go to bed.
- Okay.
Good night.
- Yeah?
- Hi.
John, it's Susan again.
Hey, Susie-Q.
How's it going?
Great. I'm training myself
on the Internet.
It's fascinating.
I'm doing pornography.
It's amazing how much these suckers
will pay for photographs of chicks.
It doesn't matter if they're fat
or ugly or what.
Well, that sounds good.
It's great, is what it is.
Listen, John, I hate feeling like
I'm being a pain to you, but I...