Hey, it's Marty. How's it going?
Has it been helpful talking to the writer?
What's her name?
Susan Orlean. It's been okay.
Well, I mean, are you making headway?
Valerie's breathing down my neck.
- You can't rush inspiration.
- Okay. All right. Fair enough.
Listen, the other reason
I called was The Three.
It's just amazing.
- I don't know what that is.
- Donald's script.
A smart, edgy thriller.
It's the best script I've read all year.
- Good.
- Yeah, I'm gonna sell it for a shitload.
Two fucking talented guys in one family.
In fact, maybe you could get your
brother to help you with the orchid thing.
- Marty, don't say that. I mean...
- All right. It's just a thought, buddy.
I mean, he's really
goddamn amazing at structure.
- I have to go.
- All right. Adios, amigo.
Finish that...
Okay, thank you, thank you.
We have a long three days ahead.
Years from now, you'll be at a posh
cocktail party congratulating yourself...
...on how you spent a weekend with
an asshole from Hollywood for your art.
- I am pathetic. I am a loser.
- So...
...what is the substance of writing?
I have failed. I am panicked.
I have sold out. I am worthless.
L... What the fuck am I doing here?
What the fuck am I doing here? Fuck!
It is my weakness, my ultimate lack
of conviction that brings me here.
Easy answers,
rules to shortcut yourself to success.