Well, whatever.
Well, moving on, what next?
You need a new getup.
This whole flannel shirt thing...
...it's not really doing anything
for you anymore.
Thanks for coming out
with me tonight, Amelia.
To begin.
To begin.
How to start?
I'm hungry.
I should get coffee.
Coffee would help me think.
But I should write something first,
then reward myself with coffee.
Coffee and a muffin. Okay,
so I need to establish the themes.
Maybe banana-nut.
That's a good muffin.
Orchid hunting is a mortal occupation.
Victorian-era orchid hunter
William Arnold...
...drowned on a collecting expedition.
Osmers vanished without a trace
in Asia.
Augustus Margary survived toothache,
rheumatism, pleurisy and dysentery...
...only to be murdered when
he completed his mission...
...and traveled beyond Bhamo.
Laroche loved orchids, but I...
I came to believe he loved the
difficulty and fatality of getting them...
...almost as much as he loved
the orchids themselves.
I've been a professional horticulturist
for, like, 12 years.
I owned my own plant nursery,
which was destroyed by the hurricane.
I'm a professional plant lecturer.
I've given over, like, 60 lectures
on the cultivation of plants.