...Laroche and nature win.
Did you get that last part?
Yeah, I sure did.
Orchids are the sexiest flowers
on Earth.
The name orchid derives from the
Latin orchis, which means testicle.
Hey, Charles.
I pitched my screenplay to Mom.
Don't say "pitch."
Sorry. Anyway, she said it was...
...Silence of the Lambs
meets Psycho.
Maybe you guys could collaborate.
I hear Mom's really good with structure.
So how come Amelia
doesn't come around anymore?
Did you put the moves on her
or something?
I'm looking for John Laroche.
I'm writing an article on John,
and I stopped by.
- I hoped I could see him.
- John's not here.
Well, you were at the swamp
with him, weren't you?
I saw you at the courthouse,
that's how I know.
I'm Matthew Osceola.
Susan Orlean. Nice to meet you.
Maybe I could talk to you
for a second.
I'm just trying to get a feel
for the whole operation...
You have very beautiful hair.
Thank you very much.
Thank you. I just...
I just washed it this morning.
I just used a new conditioner.
I can see your sadness.
It's lovely.
Well, I'm just tired, that's all.
That's my problem.