You look hot tonight, baby.
Thanks, Donald.
That's swell of you to say.
- Don't you think she's hot, bro?
- I'm heading home, Donald.
Really? Come on.
Hey, it's Amelia.
Hey, Amelia!
Hey, Donald.
Hey, Charlie.
- Hey. Hi there.
- God, Amelia, we don't see you anymore.
- It's good to see you.
- This is my girlfriend, Caroline.
- She's a makeup artist for the movies.
- Hi.
This is David, my friend.
- Hi.
- Hey. Nice to meet you.
- Amelia's talked a lot about you.
- Hi, I'm Donald.
- Hey.
- Caroline.
- Cool camera.
- So how are you?
- You know me, a mess.
- Charlie...
...it's really good to see you.
Is the work good?
It's a disaster.
I don't know what I'm doing.
But, anyway, it's my problem.
I don't want to bore you.
You have your own stuff, right? I mean,
we both have our own separate stuff.
Anyway, I should go. I was just
heading home to do some work.
- You coming?
- No, I'm gonna stay at Caroline's tonight.
A little push, push in the bush.
Donald, you're such a tard!
See you, Charlie.
To write about a flower,
to dramatize a flower...
...I have to show the flower's arc.
And the flower's arc stretches back
to the beginning of life.
How did this flower get here?
What was its journey?
Therefore, I should infer
from analogy...
...that probably all the organic beings
which have ever lived on this Earth...
...have descended
from some one primordial form...
...into which life was first breathed.
It is a journey of evolution.
The journey we all take. A journey
that unites each and every one of us.
Darwin writes that we all come
from the very first single-cell organism.