He wears a filthy, spittle-soaked
rag around his head to quell the pain.
The back of his trousers are stained
greasy black from an anal leakage...
...due to dysentery.
He moans with each tentative step
through the overgrown jungle."
I'm fucked.
We open with Laroche. He's funny.
He says, "I love to mutate plants."
He says, "Mutation is fun."
Okay, we show flowers and... Okay.
We have to have the court case.
We show Laroche.
He says, "I was mutated as a baby.
That's why I'm so smart."
That's funny. Okay, we open
at the beginning of time. No!
- Laroche is driving into the swamp.
- Crazy white man!
I don't know how to adapt this.
I should have stuck with my own stuff.
I don't know why I thought
I could write this.
See her?
I fucked her up the ass.
No. I'm kidding.
Maybe I can help.
It's about flowers.
But it's not only about flowers, right?
You have the crazy plant-nut guy, right?
He's funny. Right?
"There's not nearly enough of him
to fill a book."
So Orlean "digresses in long
passages." Blah, blah, blah.
"No narrative unites these passages."
New York Times Book Review.
I can't structure this. It's that
sprawling New Yorker shit.
Man, I'd fuck her up the ass.
- Sorry.
- The book has no story. There's no story.
All right. Make one up.
I mean, nobody in this town
can make up a crazy story like you.
- You're the king of that.
- No, I didn't want to do that this time.
It's someone else's material.
I have a responsibility to Susan...
Anyway, I wanted to grow as a writer.
I wanted to do something simple.
Show people how amazing
flowers are.