It's fascinating.
I'm doing pornography.
It's amazing how much these suckers
will pay for photographs of chicks.
It doesn't matter if they're fat
or ugly or what.
Well, that sounds good.
It's great, is what it is.
Listen, John, I hate feeling like
I'm being a pain to you, but I...
I still haven't seen a ghost.
- Yeah?
- And I was hoping maybe you'd...
Yeah, I'll take you in.
- Tomorrow.
- Really?
Thank you so much.
Oh, John.
Damn it.
There are too many ideas
and things and people.
Too many directions to go.
I was starting to believe the reason
it matters to care about something...
...is that it whittles the world down...
...to a more manageable size.
Such sweet, sad insights.
So true.
I like looking at you.
I like looking at you too, Charlie.