l'd want to remain true to that.
l'd wanna let the movie exist,
rather than be...
-...artificially plot-driven.
l guess l'm not exactly sure
what that means.
l'm not sure l know
what that means either.
l just don't wanna ruin it by making
it a Hollywood thing. You know?
Like...an orchid heist movie
or something, you know?
Or changing the orchids
into poppies...
...and making it about drug running,
you know?
-Why can't there be a movie...
...simply about flowers?
l guess we thought that maybe...
...Susan Orlean and Laroche
could fall in love, and--
Okay. But l'm saying, it's like,
l don't wanna cram in sex...
...or guns or car chases...
...you know,
or characters, you know...
...learning profound life lessons.
Or growing,
or coming to like each other...
...or overcoming obstacles to succeed
in the end, you know? l mean--
The book isn't like that...
...and life isn't like that.
You know, it just isn't. And....
l feel very strongly about this.
John Laroche is a tall guy,
skinny as a stick...
...sharply handsome, despite the fact
he's missing all his front teeth.
I went to Florida two years ago
to write a piece for The New Yorker.
It was after reading a small article about
a white man and three Seminole men...
...arrested with rare orchids
they'd stolen out of a place...
... called the Fakahatchee Strand
State Preserve.
As natural selection works solely by
and for the good of each being...
...all corporeal and mental endowments
will tend to progress towards perfection.
It's interesting to contemplate
an entangled bank....